Stimulation of ovulation

Ovulation stimulation is most often performed in patients with polycystic ovaries (PCOS) and irregular periods, provided that the spermogram of a male partner is normal. The goal of stimulation is to obtain one mature egg cell. The ovaries are stimulated with pills or injections with a low dose of hormones.


Insemination is most often performed in couples with unexplained infertility and in men with slightly abnormal spermogram. It can be done in a completely natural cycle, that is, without stimulation of the ovaries, or with stimulation, which increases the risk of twin pregnancy.

Surgical treatment

Certain causes of infertility can be treated surgically. In this way, fibroids, endometriosis, adhesions in the uterus and certain congenital anomalies of the uterus can be treated. Most operations are performed laparoscopically (by inserting a camera and instruments through small incisions in the abdomen) and hysteroscopically (by inserting a camera and instruments through the cervix).

Cancer and fertility

Treatment with cytostatics and radiation is a risk factor for both female and male infertility. Before starting the therapy, it is necessary to evaluate which cytostatics and which dose of radiation can lead to permanent damage to the ovaries and testicles and propose measures to protect fertility such as: sperm freezing, embryo freezing, freezing of egg cells and ovarian tissue, as well as surgical “relocation” of the ovary from the radiation zone.

Uterus transplantation

Women who were born without a uterus or have had it surgically removed can achieve motherhood through a uterus transplant by transplanting a donor organ into a woman who does not have a uterus. Before transplantation, it is necessary to perform IVF and freeze the embryos. The embryo returns to the uterus 6-12 months after transplantation. The method is still considered experimental. So far, 13 children have been born in the world, 8 of them in Sweden and one child after a uterus transplant performed in Serbia.

Ovarian activation

1% of women lose their ovarian function before the age of 40, that is, they enter premature menopause, which is probably the result of genetic changes. Some women lose ovarian function as a result of treatment with cytostatics and radiation.

Given that these women most likely have a certain number of eggs, which cannot be activated and developed, a method was developed where one ovary is surgically removed, then activated in the laboratory and one part is returned (transplanted) into the abdominal cavity, in place where the ovary is located. After the intervention, ovarian function is controlled and IVF is performed. The rest of the ovaries are frozen for a possible subsequent transplant. The operation is performed laparoscopically.

The method was developed at universities in Gothenburg and Stockholm, among others. So far, twenty children have been born in the world, one of them in Zagreb, Croatia. The method is considered experimental.


For all information about infertility treatments and other activities that help conception, contact us on our phone numbers on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. or write us an email.